4>7 SEPTEMBER 2018 Epigenetcis on the top of genetics
This practical course is addressed to researchers with a background in biology willing to perform basic analysis of epigenetic data. We will focus on data produced by next generation sequencing. Topics will include, but will not be limited to: DNA methylation, histone modifications, small RNA, chromatin conformation. Analysis will be performed on study cases in humans and plants.
Registration from 1st June to 15 August 2018
More info here
25>27 JULY 2018 Data crunching: from hell to heaven
This practical course is addressed to researchers with a background in biology willing to perform basic analysis on next generation sequencing data. Each topic will consist of frontal introduction and practical work to enable participants to familiarize with the tools and the Unix environment. Hands-on work will be performed by simulating a real analysis on data generated by an Illumina platform. The declared aim of this course is to become self-sufficient in basic NGS data analysis. Teachers and tutors will assist each participant to reach the objectives of the course.
Registration from 25th May to 15th July 2018.
More info here
22 Giugno 2018 Next Generation Diagnostics: la diagnostica ai tempi del sequenziamento di nuova generazione
Il corso è rivolto a medici, biologi e tecnici interessati all'uso di NGS per l’identificazione di mutazioni a scopo diagnostico.
I contenuti
Introduzione alle tecnologie di sequenziamento di nuova generazione (NGS).
Utilizzo di NGS per la rilevazione delle varianti genetiche: mutazioni puntiformi (SNPs), varianti strutturali (SVs), e varianti di numero di copie (CNVs).
Applicazione di NGS a scopo diagnostico: diagnosi di patologie genetiche, farmacogenomica.
Presentazione di casi di studio.
Numero massimo di partecipanti : 100
Evento aperto agli studenti
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has recently revolutionized the approach to genomic studies enabling the sequencing of billions of bases in massively parallel reactions. These new sequencing technologies collectively referred to as ”ultra-deep” sequencing or “massively parallel” sequencing are currently used for SNP discovery, detection of structural variants, genome-wide measurement of transcript levels, analysis of epigenetic modifications and a number of other applications, and are revolutionizing biological research. IGA courses are addressed to researchers interested in understanding how to generate sequences and interpret information obtained.
The courses alternate theoretical concepts and practical examples to familiarize with the tools.