About Us / History | Istituto di Genomica Applicata


IGA was founded in 2006 by four scientists from the University of Udine. Initially, IGA focused on genome sequencing projects of crop species. The genome of grapevine, citrus, peach, olive, coffee and Norway spruce were sequenced and assembled at IGA as part of international collaborative projects.

With the revolution of NextGen sequencing technology, IGA has expanded its research into the fields of genetic diversity, genome biology, and other innovative solutions for agriculture. The range of plant species investigated has widened to include maize, barley, wheat, melons, sweet cherries, coffee and the poplar and conifer species.

In 2023, IGA has founded FORGE, a foundation for genomics and epigenomics research. IGA has contribued to the assets of the nascent foundation with tranferring 100 % ownership of its former subsidiary company IGA Technology Services to FORGE. IGA-Tech has been operating since 2009, offering customized services for NextGen Sequencing and Data Analysis in all living organisms and biological systems.